A Look Back, Oct. 31

Published: 10-30-2024 11:00 PM

50 Years Ago

■The Northampton Housing Authority is updating its applications for housing for the elderly in anticipation of the opening of 192 units of elderly housing on Conz Street in June 1975. All elderly persons in the city over 62 years old are eligible for the housing, although persons more than 65 years old will be given preference.

■Northampton has officially been listed in the Amtrak schedule as a stop on the Washington-New York-Montreal daily run. The schedule indicates that the Montrealer stops here at 1:20 a.m. each day on its way north to Montreal and stops here at 2:25 a.m. daily on its southern trip.

25 Years Ago

■The City Council has authorized the use of a piece of city property by William Muller of the Guild Art Centre, 102 Main St., to create a ramp making the back entrance to his store accessible to handicapped people. The project will create a passageway from Main Street down to the Hampton Avenue parking lots.

■Citing racial stereotyping and violence portrayed in West Side Story, a group of parents is protesting the selection of the Bernstein-Sondheim play as the spring musical at Amherst Regional High School. It s a very racist play, said Elizabeth Capifali, a native New Yorker whose parents came from Puerto Rico.

10 Years Ago

■Bent metal bar stools, skid marks on the floor and a gaping hole in the wall mark the spot where a car barreled through the front window of Jerry’s Place restaurant in Deerfield early Thursday morning after a Northfield woman drove through the center of town and straight into the building.

■Amid the many tenants which are national chains preparing to open in a new mini-mall on Route 9 in Hadley will be one that is family-owned and head-quartered in Springfield. Hot Table Panini will open later this month between a Starbucks and Aspen Dental, said John DeVoie, the restaurant’s president and co-owner.