Arthur Lustenberger: Time to bring smiles to children’s faces
Published: 12-04-2024 7:28 PM |
The Southampton Lions Club has begun its 16th annual Toys For Kids campaign. As in past years, our loyal, normal collection sites are open to walk-in customers. As a reminder, those sites are the Southampton branches of Bank ESB and PNCU, along with The Package Storein the Hampton Ponds Plaza in Westfield.
In addition to these locations, we also will continue holding collections on Saturday, Dec. 7 and Dec. 21, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., at the gazebo in the center of town. Also, we are pleased to continue our eighth annual collaboration with the Southampton Police Department for their “Stuff a Cruiser” event on Saturday, Dec. 14, in the Police Department parking lot.
All toys are delivered to the Easthampton Community Center, where they are then distributed to children and families in need in the immediate area. New, unwrapped toys for kids 12 and under are appreciated. For those who cannot or choose not to shop, monetary donations will be accepted and converted to gift cards for older kids as well as for toy purchases for highly requested items.
Last year’s total, thanks to our very generous and giving neighbors, resulted in 1,396 toys and 43 gift cards for teens too old for toys but still in need of some Christmas cheer. The need grows every year. Anyone unable or unwilling to attend any of the aforementioned events can call 413-626-1989 to arrange a pickup. Thanks in advance for your continuing support of this worthwhile cause.
Arthur Lustenberger