Let’s Talk Relationships: Your voice matters: An open invitation to share your thoughts

Published: 03-01-2024 11:52 AM |
I have always found the topic of relationships fascinating and intriguing. In my monthly column, I write about romantic love, along with other significant relationships, and the perplexing challenges that we all inevitably face.
Although it may be easy to fall in love, it can feel hard at times to navigate all that love asks of us. My column addresses just that — how we can make it through the choppy waters of love, to transform our relationships to become healthy and sustainable, in which we experience less distress and more joy.
We don’t have a clear road map for traversing the very thing we are all driven towards and need — having love in our lives. All couples may at times get stuck in patterns of behavior that are unhelpful, frustrating and destructive. Through my experience working with couples, I’ve observed that getting stuck in relationship problems appears to be quite universal.
In my column, I offer information (often taken from scientific studies), paired with sincere encouragement and clear steps you can take to improve your relationships. I hope to enrich your connections (romantic or otherwise), by supporting you to avoid or change patterns that aren’t serving you and your relationships. I hope that my articles can serve as both a soothing balm (through realizing you are not alone in your struggles), and guidance for how to make your relationships more loving and fulfilling.
I would love for you to be part of the growing evolution of Let’s Talk Relationships so that it continues to be a valuable resource to you and others. How have you benefited from my column? What would you like to read about in the future? Your input will assist me in knowing how best to serve my growing community of readers.
I invite you to share your input on a brief, private online questionnaire, here: www.coachingbyamy.com/lets-talk-relations-newspapers-column-questionnaire
If you prefer, you are welcome to respond to the same questionnaire by copying and pasting the following into an email to amy@coachingbyamy.com.
Which of my columns have you found particularly helpful?
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To read or revisit any of the articles, you can find them at: www.coachingbyamy.com/my-newspaper-column.
I invite you to share with me what you have learned or how you have benefited from reading about these topics.
What questions might you still have about any of the topics I’ve already covered?
What are other topics and/or questions that you would like addressed?
Do you have any additional comments or feedback about the column?
As always, I am cheering you on! This time it is to voice your thoughts on matters of love and relationships; to let me know what has been helpful and what you’re most wanting to learn. I value your input and am looking forward to reading your replies. You matter!
Amy Newshore is a couples therapist/coach who earned her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Antioch New England University and went on to train in the Developmental Model for Couples Therapy along with NonViolent Communication which serve as the foundation of her work as a Relationship Coach. For more information visit her website at www.coachingbyamy.com.