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By Line search: By CHRISTINE HATCH

Earth Matters: Can we adapt to increasing intensity of rain events?
09-14-2023 12:35 PM


We’ve been hearing a lot about the “unprecedented” July rainstorms that have caused so much flooding and heartache for our farmers across the region. But were they really unprecedented?I don’t mean to diminish the real impacts by asking, but I want to...

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

Earth Matters: Swamps, stewardship and conservation: What does it mean to care for a forest?
06-06-2024 3:32 PM


Swamps are great story villains. They are notoriously difficult to navigate due to their sinking sticky mud, spiked vines and dense vegetation; they are neither fully land nor water, negating boats and footwear as helpful vessels for traversing them;...

Earth Matters: Rewilding is letting nature take the lead
03-04-2023 9:48 PM


In his book “Rewilding North America,” the late conservationist Dave Forman wrote about how in North America, rewilding began with large-scale efforts to reintroduce and restore populations of apex predators such as wolves. It included provisions for...

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