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By Line search: By DAVID SLOVITER

Guest columnist David Sloviter: Believe what they say and do
10-03-2024 4:33 PM


 In the current climate, where it seems every issue is polarized and there is little appeal to reasoned dialogue, the views of the current conflict in the Middle East seems to be at the forefront. Facts that are not convenient to both sides are...

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Guest columnist David Sloviter: A ‘heinous and hateful’ attack 
10-27-2023 4:19 PM


Where is the compassion? The outrage? The most minimal sense of fairness? The belief that murdering children may not be appropriate?A recent letter in the Gazette devoted one sentence to calling the Hamas attack wrong and then shifted to a fundraising...

Guest columnist David Sloviter: Amherst zoning tweaks would just open door
06-21-2023 10:36 PM


The continuing effort by Town Councilors Mandi Jo Hanneke and Pat DeAngelis to push through their unnecessary, damaging, and misguided zoning changes is perplexing. The guest column n the June 17 Gazette [“Restoring the missing middle in Amherst...

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