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Keyword search: Cows

Valley Bounty: Grass-fed animals that feed the grass: Gwydyr Farm in Southampton focuses on ‘restoring the connection between land, food and people’
04-12-2024 3:39 PM


Every piece of farmland has its strengths and weaknesses. Often, the most successful farmers are those that learn to see their land’s potential clearly and — with other things in mind like finances and what customers want — build a business around...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Valley Bounty: New horizons for a small dairy farm: O’Brien Farm in Orange opts to strategize, not pasteurize
01-26-2024 12:39 PM


‘We do a little bit of everything,” says Andrea O’Brien of O’Brien Farm in Orange. “But mostly we milk cows.”Running a successful dairy farm requires commitment, perseverance and creativity. That’s especially true in recent times, as the costs of...

Valley Bounty: Custom cuts: Bostrom Farm in Greenfield pivots from dairy to grass-fed meat
02-03-2023 4:45 PM


Talk to most farmers raising animals on pasture, and they’ll tell you the same thing – from a farming perspective, the animals are secondary.“Our mantra is creating good food from grass,” says Kyle Bostrom of Bostrom Farm in Greenfield. “Basically, we...

Regional auction lists livestock prices
08-23-2018 11:57 PM

The Northampton Co-op Auction Inc. lists Tuesday prices: Calves: $10 to $45; Growers: $50 TO $225; Started: $46 to $48; Veal: none;  Heifers: $10 TO $74; Feeders: $30 to $69; Steers: $85; Bulls: $54 to $71; Canners: $5 to $47; Cutters: $48 to $59;...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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