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Keyword search: Graduation 2017

Northampton High School bids musical farewell to 223 graduates
06-11-2017 10:59 PM


NORTHAMPTON — Northampton High School’s senior class president Matti Tacy spent much of her commencement speech Sunday talking about the class of 2017’s accomplishments: There were Nickolas Smith and Patrick Quinlan, who won All-American status in...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

Editorial: High school graduates urged to embrace diversity, practice compassion
06-12-2017 8:09 PM

High school graduations are bittersweet times of looking back at accomplishments reached and friendships made, while considering the uncertainties of the journey ahead, whether the chosen path is school, the military or employment.They are also a time...

Easthampton High grads celebrate the power of compassion and gratitude
06-04-2017 8:56 PM


EASTHAMPTON — Preparing for her commencement speech as salutatorian of Easthampton High School’s class of 2017, Angela Nardi created a Google document where her classmates could leave anonymous shout-outs to one another.Though Nardi said she worked...

Granby graduates look toward future
06-04-2017 1:18 PM


GRANBY — After six years at Granby Junior Senior High School, the 79 graduates who walked across the stage Saturday are looking toward the larger world — while staying thankful for their community.Saturday marked the next chapter and the start of...

South Hadley salutatorian: We are not special, except we are
06-03-2017 5:29 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — South Hadley High School’s salutatorian Bertram Thomas had a message for his graduating peers: None of them are special.“None of us,” he said, “are statistically likely to make a mark on the history of humanity.”About 140 seniors...

At Gateway, grads embrace compassion, differences
06-03-2017 11:18 AM

By Fran Ryan

HUNTINGTON — Beach balls bounced through the audience and air horns loudly sounded when Superintendent David B. Hopson declared the members of the Gateway Regional High School Class of 2017 to be officially graduated on Friday evening.The graduation...

Small class earns rousing support at Smith Academy
06-03-2017 1:37 AM


HATFIELD — “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all,” read the banner hanging over the stage at Smith Academy’s 145th graduation. The class of 2017 had chosen the adage as their motto and, true to the phrase, individuality and...

PVPA graduates 60, with flourish
06-02-2017 2:56 PM


NORTHAMPTON — Artists of many kinds graduating from the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts charter school took a final bow as a student body on Thursday.From violin trios to knockout vocals, the 60 students graduating from the South Hadley high school...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

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