Keyword search: Letters
We gather here today, Minuteman football devotees, in these venerable pages to eulogize yet another season of gridiron grief. Autumnal pigskin pipe dreams spawned by hallucinatory optimism conjuring touchdowns, two-pointers and tackles are, once...
From the river to the sea, are two peoples who long to live in peace, safety and dignity. Something that seems to often be lost in the binary, simplistic cries for freedom and justice.And within these two peoples is the vast diversity of identity,...
The stated goal of Israel in its war against Gaza is to root out Hamas, responsible for the cross-border attack in Israel that killed 1,200 civilians and captured 240 people as hostages, including old people and children.Let me say that I most...
The Southampton Lions Club is beginning its 15th annual Toys for Kids campaign. As in past years, our loyal, normal collection sites are open to walk-in customers. As a reminder, those sites are located in the Southampton branches of both Bank ESB and...
Two events occurred this past week that reminded me of where I was when they happened.Nov. 22, 1963, the day JFK was assassinated, my husband Jim and I were in Lugano, working at the American School in Switzerland. It was already evening there when we...
I just wanted to send out universal love to the 8 million beautiful, amazing horses that lost their lives during World War I. Also to the 1.5 million lost to the Civil War, along with the many millions felled during the countless wars before...
After I left the recent Easthampton Planning Board meeting where the Tasty Top/Sierra Vista development was approved, I felt sad that for the first time in 27 years here I wasn’t proud of my city.In recent years, city government has done a fantastic...
How would you feel if the most significant underwater ecosystem on the Eastern Seaboard was at risk of overfishing, oil drilling, and sand mining?Cashes Ledge, an underwater kelp forest and mountain range the size of Rhode Island, is home to hundreds...
More than half of Medicare beneficiaries now have for-profit corporations in charge of their care through Medicare Advantage plans. Insurance companies are well paid for these plans and much of that taxpayer money does not find its way to patient...
We clearly have a shortage of doctors in the commonwealth and it’s even more severe in rural areas like western Mass. There is no easy solution for this, but there is a simple step which could help. One way we can make it easier for doctors to come...
Surprise, more taxes! It’s great that the value of our home of the last 47 years has increased quite a bit. The problem is we won’t see any of that increase until we sell it, but the city is taking its percentage now. Right now us senior citizens have...
While I am greatly appreciative of the Gazette’s coverage about the important issue of municipalities being able to zone for solar development, the paper got my position wrong in the Nov. 20 story “Advocates back solar power bill.” Given my work to...
The writer of a recent letter to the editor asserts that it would be “inclusive and equitable” to open the Norwottuck Rail Trail to snowmobiles in the winter [“A time to share with snowmobiles,” Gazette, Nov. 14]. That is one of the more preposterous...
Kudos, and many thanks, are due to Jacob Nelson and the Daily Hampshire Gazette for bringing us the voices of local farmers Sarah Voiland, DeWitt Thomson, and Denise Barstow-Mainz [“On the front lines of climate change: Farmers work to mitigate their...
Guest columnist Michael Seward is upset that House Democrats refused to vote to keep Speaker Kevin McCarthy in place last month, the reason being that the new speaker, Mike Johnson, is even worse than McCarthy. [“Dems made their own bed,” Gazette,...
As a child in school, I experienced periodic fire drills. These aimed to instill coping skills to deploy in an emergency. We were taught it was very important not to panic.In considering what runaway climate change will look like, it may be hard not...
Historians analyzing and writing about the first quarter of the 21st century of the United States should deem it the Golden Age of Hypocrisy. And nothing so clearly falls into this category as how surviving war veterans are denied the services,...
It is urgent that the Massachusetts Senate not delay voting any longer on the gun violence legislation that was recently approved by the Massachusetts House of Representatives (HD4420) reaffirming the ban on assault weapons and addressing the problem...
It was a warm autumn day in Dallas,The Kennedys were accepted by the Texanswith no apparent malice.As the motorcade passed the Texas Book Depositoryand turned onto Elm,Our country stood proudly with JFK at the helm.Jack sat on the left and Jackie on...
I don’t understand why the redo of Main Street in Northampton has not been put on a ballot for the citizens of Northampton to vote on. Our taxes are outrageously high as it is.Does our mayor really think this is a dictatorship when she says the plan...
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