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Keyword search: Southampton

Displaying articles 101 to 120 out of 191 total.

Betty Ussach-Schwartz: The golden age of hypocrisy 
11-24-2023 6:00 AM

Historians analyzing and writing about the first quarter of the 21st century of the United States should deem it the Golden Age of Hypocrisy. And nothing so clearly falls into this category as how surviving war veterans are denied the services,...

Around the Hamptons: Maddie’s playground set for dedication; Eversource trimming trees in Easthampton; forum on greenway in Southampton
11-09-2023 10:40 AM


SOUTHAMPTON – The opening and dedication of Maddie’s Magical Playground – which honors the life and “sparkle” of Madeline “Maddie” Schmidt, who died at 8 years old of brain cancer in 2022 – will take place at 1  p.m. on Sunday  at Labrie Field.The...

DA Sullivan presses for legal drug-use sites at State House hearing, saying need has never been more urgent
10-24-2023 6:00 PM


BOSTON — Stressing that legal drug consumption sites would save hundreds of lives and that there isn’t a moment to waste, Northwestern District Attorney David Sullivan implored lawmakers on Monday to muster up the courage to pass legislation before...

Forever preserved: More than 1,000 acres of wild and working land in Southampton, Westhampton, Montgomery to be protected
10-20-2023 5:21 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — When Ed and Mary Hamel first bought their 80-acre property — now home to Glendale Ridge Vineyard — more than 30 years ago, the two expected to develop the land, even acquiring an approval to construct a bank.But with expansive rolling...

Rash of car break-ins reported in Westhampton, Southampton, Easthampton
10-19-2023 2:45 PM


Police are urging residents to lock their car doors following a string of recent car break-ins in Westhampton, Southampton and Easthampton.Just after midnight on Sunday going into Monday, Westhampton saw four car break-ins at one address, along with...

Around the Hamptons: Southampton eyes vehicle storage bylaw; Easthampton School Committee candidates forum; flu clinics in Easthampton, Westhampton
10-16-2023 12:04 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — A proposed new bylaw would prohibit property owners from storing more than one unregistered vehicle or trailer on their property, with certain exceptions.The bylaw aims to regulate the storage of unregistered vehicles and “simultaneously...

Dearth of dispatchers forces Southampton to seek help from Easthampton
10-15-2023 2:00 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — As Southampton’s dispatch services transfer to Easthampton’s Public Safety Communications Center, residents who enter the lobby of the Southampton Police Station will notice a few changes, namely a lack of in-person staff at times.Due to...

William Aherin: Self-important activists must respect the rights of others
09-19-2023 1:50 PM

For a while now, the average American has been bullied by and endured the reckless accusations of so-called “social justice warriors” — accused of many things including offenses related to gender, race, abortion, climate and violence with a feeling...

New Southampton Senior Center director hits ground running
09-15-2023 5:41 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — It’s an “exciting time” for the Southampton Senior Center, according to its new director, Christina Johnson, who stepped into the role on Aug. 7.In the past month, the center has extended its hours, developed new classes, and is working...

Around the Hamptons: Easthampton launches business census survey; climate action plan seeks comments
09-10-2023 11:52 AM

By Maddie Fabian

EASTHAMPTON — The city recently launched a 2023 Business Census survey for business owners, innovators and entrepreneurs in the community.The survey — in partnership with the Chamber of Greater Easthampton and Blueprint Easthampton — seeks to...

Guest columnist Jim Palermo: A safer world for euphemisms
09-08-2023 5:00 PM


We are not doing our kids any favors by raising them to be too hyper-sensitive to flourish in a very cruel and hostile environment. The truth is that while we can coerce people to behave in a certain way, we cannot coerce people into believing as we...

Rare air: Southampton’s retired Lt. Gen. Scott Rice receives highest Eagle Scout award
09-05-2023 8:33 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — Growing up a Boy Scout, retired Lt. Gen. Scott Rice of Southampton learned to embrace core values including integrity, patriotism, respect and leadership at a young age.Now, he is one of only three western Massachusetts residents to...

Around the Hamptons: Easthampton councilor makes case for resolution against antisemitism; Opioid Awareness Day events; auditions for play
08-28-2023 10:40 AM

By Maddie Fabian

EASTHAMPTON — In the face of ongoing antisemitic incidents and as upcoming Jewish holidays approach, At-Large City Councilor Owen Zaret is continuing to call on officials, faith leaders and community members to support his resolution against...

Paul Diemand: Businesses will pay the price for Main Street redesign
08-21-2023 3:46 PM

Having worked at and owned a retail business for 42 years in Northampton (36 on Main Street ), I respectfully disagree with the mayor, Planning Department and recent columnist on their “vision” of Main Street going forward. Certainly much can be done...

Around the Hamptons: Green initiative supports local nonprofits in Hilltown region
08-20-2023 3:00 PM


WESTHAMPTON — A New York-based solar power producer has launched a philanthropic “Green Initiative” to support environmental conservation efforts and local nonprofit organizations, including several in the Hilltown region.The solar producer, Changing...

Officials gear up for another run at new Southampton police-fire station
08-17-2023 6:16 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — With $35,000 secured in the state budget to help pay for a feasibility study, the town is moving forward with planning for a new public safety complex to replace the police and fire stations, an effort that has been ongoing for...

Southampton couple claim DCF denied foster care license over religious beliefs about gender, sexuality
08-16-2023 12:15 AM


NORTHAMPTON — A Southampton couple who say they were rejected as prospective foster parents because of their religious views on homosexuality and gender identity are suing a dozen representatives of the state Department of Children and...

Elaine Buckley: The frog in the pot
08-10-2023 2:15 PM

Time is ticking on our heating planet; yet we seem slow in addressing the problem. The economic competitiveness of capitalism with each nation deciding its own energy policy seems not a strong enough answer to global warming which requires an...

Celebrate Southampton returns Saturday with music, food and festivities
08-09-2023 3:12 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — Established almost 250 years ago, the small town of Southampton has plenty to commemorate at its annual Celebrate Southampton event this Friday and Saturday.Each year, friends, neighbors and visitors come together for food, music, games,...

Around the Hamptons: CitySpace announces Pay It Forward cohort; ‘Cycle of Memory’ screening; and more
08-08-2023 4:29 PM

By Maddie Fabian

EASTHAMPTON — CitySpace has announced its 17-artist cohort for this year’s Pay It Forward program, which supports local artists, particularly BIPOC and low-income artists.Through the program, CitySpace, the nonprofit group that manages the city’s Old...

Displaying articles 101 to 120 out of 191 total.

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