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Keyword search: chamber of commerce

Easthampton raises Progress Pride flag at event celebrating LGBTQ+ community
05-26-2023 4:19 PM


EASTHAMPTON — Amid a backdrop of frivolity complete with music, a 360-degree photo booth, and rainbow-colored beer cans, the city on Thursday raised the Progress Pride flag in celebration of the LGBTQ+ community as part of its ongoing efforts to be a...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

Around the Hamptons: Southampton eyes vehicle storage bylaw; Easthampton School Committee candidates forum; flu clinics in Easthampton, Westhampton
10-16-2023 12:04 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — A proposed new bylaw would prohibit property owners from storing more than one unregistered vehicle or trailer on their property, with certain exceptions.The bylaw aims to regulate the storage of unregistered vehicles and “simultaneously...

State’s LGBTQ chamber sets up roots in Easthampton
02-01-2023 5:40 PM


EASTHAMPTON — With an estimated 21,000 LGBT-owned businesses contributing $49 billion to the state economy each year, a Boston-based nonprofit is looking to ensure that the members of the LGBTQ+ community not only have a seat at the table, but have...

Around the Hamptons: Student organizes ‘Bigger than Roe’ rally in Northampton; Easthampton gets fire education grants; Blueprint Easthampton now under Chamber’s wing
01-18-2023 4:21 PM


NORTHAMPTON — A Hampshire Regional High School junior is again stepping up in the name of reproductive rights and organizing a “Bigger than Roe” Women’s March sister rally on Sunday at City Hall in Northampton.Last May, Alice Jenkins of Westhampton...

New leader takes helm at South Hadley/Granby Chamber of Commerce
05-28-2017 9:19 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — Change is the new mantra at the South Hadley & Granby Chamber of Commerce, an organization keen on promoting businesses in the neighboring towns along the Route 202 corridor.Two months into her position as executive director, Mariann...

Chamber to spotlight South Hadley businesses at showcase
11-02-2016 12:10 AM


SOUTH HADLEY — Area businesses will be on display Thursday for the first Spotlight on South Hadley Businesses, a new event designed to showcase new and established companies in town.The event, hosted by Know Your Town and the South Hadley & Granby...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

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