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Planting hope in the garden: Artist Carrie Mae Weems, who named a peony for W.E.B. Du Bois, dreamed of a memorial garden
02-07-2025 10:44 AM


In 2013, the widely acclaimed artist Carrie Mae Weems — a charismatic artist, activist and educator, known for installations, videos and photographs that invite the viewer to reflect on issues of race, gender and class — was among 10 artists commissioned to participate in “Du Bois in Our Time,” an exhibition I curated when I was director of the University Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Displaying articles 1 to 12 out of 12 total.

Get a whiff of this: ‘Flora & Fromage’ unites nature, art and food for an olfactory party in the Paper City
12-18-2024 2:27 PM


When the weather outside is frightful, warming up indoors, surrounded by plants, food, art and live music, is so delightful.Such is the idea behind Flora & Fromage, an upcoming plant-themed art and food experience at Mill 1 in Holyoke on Saturday,...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: A garden in winter need not be dreary: Plants that will enliven your garden in winter
12-18-2024 1:54 PM


It’s not unusual these cold gray days to despair over the appearance of our gardens. It wasn’t so long ago that late-blooming asters and brilliant foliage punctuated the landscape. Now that I’m leaving garden cleanup until spring to help feed and...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: Appreciating the aster: The cheerful, abundant flowers will persist until hard frosts set in
10-11-2024 10:03 AM


Many gardens go drab this time of year after summer flowers have faded away. But in fields and along roadsides, swaths of native asters add explosions of color to the transitioning landscape, with their golden centered, star-shaped flowers ranging...

An old garden’s revival: Path at former Belchertown State School a labor of love for the volunteers who maintain it
08-19-2024 4:55 PM


BELCHERTOWN — The only structure that appeared still intact from the first superintendent’s home at the Belchertown State School was a century-old stone wall outlining a small grassy plot at 47 State St.At least that’s what residents believed until...

Speaking of Nature: A new face in a familiar setting: Happening upon the Allegheny monkeyflower
08-06-2024 3:27 PM


Those of you who are familiar with my writing will know of my great admiration for a 19th-century naturalist named John Burroughs. Born in 1837, Burroughs lived in a time when the steam locomotive was still a new and wondrous thing in America. The...

Valley Bounty: From seed to vase: At Passalongs Farm and Florist in Florence, Adrienne Bashista grows and designs custom floral arrangements
06-21-2024 10:32 AM


“In a different life, I think I would have been an artist from the beginning,” says Adrienne Bashista, owner of Passalongs Farm and Florist. “I wasn’t forbidden from a career in art, it just didn’t occur to me. But now in my 50s, I’ve realized what I...

Speaking of Nature: Surprised by strawberries in the grass: Flowers will bloom whether you pay attention or not
05-14-2024 11:47 AM


Every week I try to end my column with an inspirational line or two in the hopes of motivating my readers to get outside and see what’s going on in their own back yards. As I sit and peck away at the keyboard this morning I realize that the...

Speaking of Nature: Indulging in eye candy: Finally, after such a long wait, it’s beginning to look like spring is here
04-16-2024 12:16 PM


I have just about reached the end of my patience with the winter of 2024. I realize that this may sound a bit strange, especially because we are now in the beginning of spring, but those of us who bore the brunt of the April snowstorm may sympathize...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: Thoughts of the garden in winter: Gardening has its discouraging moments, yet we persevere
01-12-2024 12:13 PM


There’s not a lot going on in my garden, now blanketed under a foot of snow, to inspire this month’s column. So I took a break from dreaming over the spring promise of seed catalogs and went in search of a soul-satisfying poem about the garden in...

Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls to close in October for extensive repairs
07-30-2023 8:00 PM


SHELBURNE FALLS — The Bridge of Flowers will close as usual in late October, but this time it will not reopen until major and much-needed repairs have been made, thanks to a $2.28 million state infrastructure grant. The bridge is likely to be closed...

A lifetime with flowers: Third-generation florist John LaSalle offers blooms and kindness
04-05-2023 5:31 PM


John LaSalle’s astonishing productivity might lead one to wonder if a lifelong collaboration with flowers imbued him with superpowers. Yet at age 70, LaSalle shows no signs of slowing down.“I’m getting ready to retire, though,” he said during a tour...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: The importance of talking to plants
01-13-2023 4:26 PM


A few years ago I was having coffee with my two sisters-in-law at a family gathering in North Carolina. Both of them had recently built new houses and were quizzing me about how to create gardens in the bare dirt surrounding their homes. The question...

Displaying articles 1 to 12 out of 12 total.

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