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Keyword search: teen mental health

Local Alateen groups help teens who live in homes where alcohol addiction is prevalent
11-19-2023 5:00 PM


NORTHAMPTON — Local teenagers living in homes with alcohol addiction often find themselves less worried about their own well-being, and more concerned with a sibling, friend, or most often a parent.Some teens have lost a parent to separation, divorce...

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PVPA students lobbying for bill that would require at least one mental health expert per 250 pupils
12-19-2023 5:07 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — As youth across western Massachusetts struggle with increasing mental health issues, three teenagers at the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School (PVPA) are working to increase the number of mental health personnel in...

A mental health crisis: Youth are struggling like never before as experts grapple with ways to help
12-04-2023 11:04 AM


NORTHAMPTON — Like many of their peers, 15-year-old Kai Imperial-Jewett experienced “some pretty dark times” during the quarantine and isolation days of the pandemic.Even with supportive parents, as an only child and middle-schooler without any...

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