A Look Back, March 22


For the Gazette

Published: 03-21-2025 11:01 PM

200 Years Ago

■We are informed that at a late meeting of the trustees of Amherst Academy, it was voted that the trustees consent to and approve of the act to establish a college in the town of Amherst; and that all the property of every description pertaining to the Collegiate Institution be transferred and delivered to the trustees of the college.

■A second congregational society has been recently formed in Northampton, and Mr. E. B. Hall has been invited to become its preacher. It is expected that a place of public worship will be erected in the course of the ensuing summer and autumn.

100 Years Ago

■While most of Northampton continued speculating upon the mysterious fiery cross placed directly in front of both the K. of C. home and BÕNai Israel Temple on St. Patrick’s night, North Hadley had its first glimpse of a like spectacle last night, when a fiery cross, almost similar in construction, suddenly flared up in front of the Congregational Church in that town.

■The office of the American Railway Express, which has been located in Central Chambers on Center Street for several years, is to be moved to the Union Station on Monday. The change is being made so that better service may be assured by having the office of receiving and distributing goods under the same roof.

50 Years Ago

■Supt. John M. Buteau dropped a bombshell on the Northampton School committee last night, coming up with a plan to cut $34,105 in special education salaries from the proposed 1975-76 budget but still obtaining the positions through the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) program. The school board quickly and enthusiastically adopted the measure.

■Northampton’s Irish will enter a float depicting the Molly Maguires in Sunday’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in Holyoke. The float has been constructed by the Smith’s Vocational High School carpentry department. Co-chairs for the efforts are Michael Ryan and William O’Riordan.