Guest columnist Andy Morris-Friedman: Take the MAGA test

A supporter holding a “Make America Great Again,” hat waits to greet President Donald Trump when he arrives on Air Force One in West Palm Beach, Fla., Friday, Feb. 10, 2017.

A supporter holding a “Make America Great Again,” hat waits to greet President Donald Trump when he arrives on Air Force One in West Palm Beach, Fla., Friday, Feb. 10, 2017. AP FILE PHOTO/WILFREDO LEE


Published: 12-12-2024 4:07 PM

My sincere apologies to my liberal friends, our once great country and the world. I really thought that my last satire was going to keep Donald Trump (sic) from winning re-election. Instead, reality has become a satire of itself and things are so crazy politically that we satirists can barely keep up. But I digress, again.

Despite winning, my MAGA friends won’t stop complaining to me about how elite woke liberals are calling them nasty names like “racist” and “idiot” because they voted for Trump. Just because you voted for an idiot racist, they tell me, doesn’t make you a racist and an idiot. So if voting for the once and future president isn’t an indication of racist idiocy, then what is? Take the MAGA test and see for yourself if you’re anti-MAGA, moderately MAGA or mega-MAGA. See the answers below.

In the opinion of the average Trump supporter, what happened at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021? A) A love fest B) Legitimate political discourse C) Antifa dressed as Trump supporters D) Nothing E) All of the above.

In Trump’s first term, which of the following was fake news, a witch hunt and hoax? A) Assaulting women B) Bank fraud, tax fraud and insurance fraud C) Russian collusion D) Stormy Daniels E) Stolen elections F) Fake electors G) Global warming H) Hiding stolen classified documents in a gold plated bathroom I) COVID J) Weaponizing the justice department K) Good people on both sides L) All of the above.

True or false: If men voted for Trump and woman voted for Kamala Harris, then trans people decided the election. True or false: Never believe anything that Trump says is true, unless he denies it. Is the following equation true or false: 16 47 (James Buchanan is a greater president then Donald Trump.)

In your opinion, who was a better president, Donald trump or Jefferson Davis? Which amendment to the Constitution is more important, the second or the first? Which amendment to the Constitution should be repealed on “day one?” The second or the 22nd?

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Yes or no: Would you attend the grand opening of the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Resort Casino? Admission is free because Mexico will pay for it.

Extra credit essay question: Explain how all of America’s ills are caused by immigrants and cured by tariffs.

Answers: If you read the entire satire you’re anti-MAGA. If you you skipped right to the answers you might be MAGA. If you stopped reading after the second sentence you’re mega-MAGA. If you refused to read it, you’re Gaga-MAGA and totally Musk-u-ler.

Andy Morris-Friedman lives in Hadley.