Michael Di Pasquale: Main Street project will build community

Downtown Northampton over Main Street. FILE PHOTO
Published: 03-21-2025 1:06 PM |
A recent guest column about Northampton’s Main Street project raises several concerns including the idea that without starting a new and “better process” residents will become less willing to engage and participate in the community [“Main Street: Place-making or unmaking place?” March 12]. As a resident who has been actively involved for several years in the Picture Main Street process, I strongly disagree.
The project has already included an enormous amount of outreach including the participation of countless residents and stakeholders. Dozens of meetings and public question/answer sessions have also been held. Special outreach was made to older persons, to business owners, and to people with mobility challenges. As the process moved forward, more community meetings were held and changes were made to reflect comments and suggestions.
Let me tell you what frustrates residents and makes them less likely to stay engaged in the community. People tune out when they take the time to attend meetings, to fill out survey after survey, and then nothing happens.
I am grateful that Northampton residents care so much about Main Street. And I am confident that the extensive community process, excellent design consultants and our very capable Planning Department will deliver a successful project that will add to the vitality of our city for years to come.
Michael Di Pasquale
Licensed architect and certified urban planner, Northampton