Norah Dooley: Aggressive action needed on logging and forest protection

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 01-11-2024 4:32 PM
Modified: 01-11-2024 6:45 PM |
The recent article on forestry underplays the urgency of immediate, drastic action needed to combat climate change [“Reports point way toward climate goals,” Gazette, Jan. 4].
The new reports from the governor’s Climate Forestry Committee shows us that “Forests are an essential component of the earth’s operating system and will be affected by climate change as well as play a vital role in addressing its causes and adapting to its effects.”
Forests have a vital role in the absorption of carbon dioxide. The active vs. passive debate in forest management mentioned in the article is critical. Protecting forest ecosystems from further degradation is essential to a fully functioning biosphere and human survival.
While passive forest growth will be an ally in our battle against climate change, the pace of climate change isn’t passive. And neither should our response be. Logging is the largest immediate threat to forests and wildlife in Massachusetts. Unlike some climate-related factors like weather, logging of forests can be controlled and planned.
Our climate crisis demands that we do more than “talk the talk.” We need aggressive, immediate action around logging and forest protection. Every action counts, every second matters. Let’s set the precedent for other states to follow.
Norah Dooley
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