Tom Bassett: Valley Green Energy — Save money and reduce greenhouse gases

Lum3n/via Pexels

The Vineyard Wind 1 project is 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard.

The Vineyard Wind 1 project is 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. CONTRIBUTED

Published: 09-03-2024 4:13 PM

What a wonderfully written column, “Cheaper, Greener power on the way” [Gazette, Aug 31]. Readers got some positive climate news that applies a locally initiated solution.

I really liked the use of titled sections to focus attention on specific components of the VGE program. I’m part of the Local Energy Advocates Valley Green Energy Outreach group to promote information to National Grid and Eversource customers in Northampton, Amherst and Pelham. I also enjoyed the photo of the wind turbine farm in Rhode Island. I was a wind turbine test engineer for the Department of Energy in 1980.

Thanks again for the positive letter to inform our neighbors about a simple choice to combat climate change locally. Why would anyone want to opt out? I’m going to opt up to 100%.

Tom Bassett

Northampton Climate Emergency Coalition, co-chair steering committee, Florence

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