Douglas Raybeck: Taxes, yes; Services?

Published: 01-06-2025 10:39 PM |
I live in Amherst, the center of rules, regulations and exorbitant prices. My wife and I live in a modest ranch-style house, yet our taxes last year were approximately $7,000, and we have been assured that this year will bring a significant increase.
Now, taxes usually ensure the provision of services and they do indeed plow and sand the roads every time there is a half-inch of snow. Our previous residence was in a village in upstate New York with lower taxes, but where our annual holiday tree was placed in front of the house and met by a large wood chipper that blew the remains into an even larger village truck. That village had a population of less than 2,000, markedly less than the town of Amherst, yet here is the service provided by the town:
“Christmas Trees — Artificial trees must be disposed of in regular household trash. Real trees are banned from Massachusetts landfills, and are typically composted. You may bring cut Christmas trees to the Transfer Station at no charge (Vehicle Sticker not required). Trees must be tinsel, light and decoration-free and cut into pieces no greater than 4 feet wide or high. Wreaths should be disposed of with regular trash due to contamination from metal and other intertwined objects unless they can be dismantled and disposed of as brush (a fee may apply).”
I am 83 with a bad ankle broken in three places, but I will dismember the tree as required, while thinking interesting thoughts about the town in which my wife and I reside.
Douglas Raybeck