A Look Back: Feb. 3

Published: 02-02-2024 11:01 PM |
■Canal Lottery – Sixth Class – Fifteen Thousand Dollars! – 1 prize of $15,000; 1 prize of $5,000; 10 prizes of $1,000; 15 prizes of $500; 100 prizes of $100; 122 prizes of $50; and 2,800 prizes of $13. The drawing will commence in Boston on the first day of March next. Tickets for sale at the store of Bull & Clark in Northampton.
■Dr. Benjamin Barrett, No. 5 Merchants’ Row, offers his professional services to the inhabitants of Northampton and its vicinity. Dr. Barrett was regularly educated to the medical profession, under the particular instructions of Drs. Smith and Warren, in the two most distinguished literary institutions of our country, and he hopes, by exclusive devotedness to his business and prompt attention to his patients, to merit the approbation and patronage of an enlightened public.
■Mayor Woodhouse will give the fourth in a series of lectures on city government for the Northampton League of Women Voters tomorrow evening in College Hall. His subject will be “Police Department, Fire Prevention, School Administration, and City Finance.”
■A meeting of the executive committee of the Coolidge Club will be held this evening at the People’s Institute. The meeting is being held for the purpose of completing the organization of the club and discussing the plans for a membership drive. The question of finding permanent headquarters will also be taken up.
■Due to lack of snow, Northampton’s Winter Festival Committee announced Wednesday that a number of events slated for this weekend have been postponed. Still on the agenda for today are the Chamber of Commerce annual dinner dance and annual citizen of the year award at the Hotel Northampton.
■Ralph J. Levy Jr., president of Harry Daniel’s Inc., has been awarded the 10th annual “Citizenship Award” by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce for his “significant contributions for the betterment of our lives here in Northampton.” Levy, a native of Northampton who lives at 262 Bridge St., termed the award a “fine honor.”