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Speaking of Nature: Survival of the cautious?: An argument for slowing down just a little bit
03-25-2025 12:47 PM


The plan was simple. Make a quick stop at a geologic feature that would provide a real-world example of topics that were being discussed in my biology classes. The topic was evolution and I was specifically looking for an example of rock formations that were being reshaped by the elements. It really couldn’t be any more straightforward, right? Well, perhaps a little background would help.

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 53 total.

Speaking of Nature: The bluebird of happiness: Finding solace in the birds at my feeders
03-18-2025 12:35 PM


As I write this column I am feeling quite under the weather. The flu has come to town and it has me in its grip. I haven’t left the house in days and all I want to do is sleep. That being said, I am also stuck on “teacher time” and I can’t seem to sleep past 5 a.m. With the recent changing of the clocks this puts me in the unhappy position of being awake while it is still dark outside; annoying on a work day, positively miserable when not going to work.

Speaking of Nature: It’s enough already: Mallards bring signs of spring
03-11-2025 1:59 PM


The first week of March came with a roller coaster of emotions. Saturday, March 1 was absolutely amazing. For the first time in months the weather seemed to be warming and there was a moment when I actually considered cleaning off the table on my deck and sitting outside in the sunshine. A large flock of red-winged blackbirds and common grackles arrived that morning and suddenly the yard was full of songs and the murmur of hundreds of birds talking about their plans for the day. It was joyous, it was refreshing, and it was short-lived.

Speaking of Nature: Opportunity taken: Omnivorous scavengers eat just about anything during the tough months of winter
03-04-2025 12:23 PM


Last week I regaled you with a story about a red-tailed hawk. This bird kept showing up in my yard and forlornly staring out across my back yard in the hopes of finding something to eat. At the time, the problem was one of precipitation, or, rather, the precise combination of temperature and precipitation. Snow, followed by rain, followed by prolonged temperatures below freezing had resulted in a landscape that was covered by a thick shell of ice.

Speaking of Nature: The hawks are not happy: The snow and ice are creating a big problem for the big birds
02-25-2025 3:04 PM


If there has been any theme to this winter it has been the cold. For the first time in years the temperatures have dropped below freezing and generally remained there for weeks on end. Back when I was a kid, my father used to make a skating rink in the back of our house where we would spend endless hours playing hockey. My father even put spotlights in the bedroom windows so that we could play outside at night. On particularly cold nights, my mother would insist that the faces of her children were slathered with copious amounts of Johnson’s baby cream so that we didn’t freeze solid. Those were the days.

Speaking of Nature: A decade of waiting: Remembering my last visit from the Northern shrike
02-18-2025 12:05 PM


The kitchen windows face due east. The narrow writing desk is as wide as the double windows and looks out at my deck. Ten feet away is the deck railing and a collection of different feeders. The Birch Perch is there and another five feet away there is a giant lilac bush that fills the yard with perfume in May. But this is wintertime and the only thing the yard is full of now is the hustle and bustle of hungry birds as they bicker with one another over food.

Speaking of Nature: A rare visit from our largest woodpecker: At long last, a Pileated Woodpecker came to explore my dead pines
02-04-2025 10:55 AM


Last Friday morning I woke up with a splitting headache and bloody sinuses. Every muscle in my body ached and I was utterly exhausted even after a full night of sleep. I walked out to check on the wood stove, then sat down and contemplated my next move. The threat of inclement weather and my general physical state combined to convince me that going to work was not an option. So I filled out the paperwork for a sick day and then went back to bed.

Speaking of Nature: A spa for snakes: Finding signs of garter snakes and their skins in my woodpile
01-28-2025 1:36 PM


It was a Sunday and a big storm was on the way. The morning was fairly calm, but clouds had moved in and there wasn’t much time before the snow started to fall. In a perfect world I could have simply kicked off my shoes and settled in for a quiet winter morning, but we don’t live in a perfect world. Instead, we live in a world that requires firewood to be moved from time to time, and, like it or not, it was time.

Speaking of Nature: Reflected in a blue jay’s eye: A curious opportunity to try something a little artsy
01-21-2025 9:56 AM


Anyone who has ever dabbled in the art of photography will understand that you find yourself at the mercy of your environment. Of course, I am speaking of outdoor photography in this case. Studio photography is an entirely different organism because in that particular endeavor the art lies in manufacturing an environment. If you are outdoors, however, you have to find ways to make due with what you’ve got on any particular day.

Speaking of Nature: The blue jay that stood guard: Observations during a solid week of unfettered access to the birds
01-07-2025 1:08 PM


The final week of 2024 was particularly calm and delightful for me. After the hustle and bustle of hosting a family gathering, my wife and I were able to nestle down into the “holiday bunker” and enjoy some much-needed R&R. For one solid week we were...

Speaking of Nature: Last year in bird watching: A review of 2024, a record-breaking year for bird sightings and photos
01-01-2025 6:01 AM


Happy New Year everybody! I was delighted to have a snowy celebration for this iconic winter holiday and I hope that you are sitting happily with your feet up and a warm beverage in your hand. I am just finishing an hour of bird watching at my kitchen...

Speaking of Nature: Irregular in every way: For the first time, I’ve sighted a mockingbird at my feeder in December
12-17-2024 3:24 PM


It was just another morning at the kitchen window. During the school year I am a prisoner of “teacher time,” which means that I wake up at 4:30 a.m. every morning, whether I want to or not. Weekends, holidays, you name it, I’m up. So, rather than...

Speaking of Nature: Introducing the Birch Perch II: Making improvements to my bird observation venue
12-10-2024 1:19 PM


My last visit to the Thinking Chair occurred on Sunday, Oct. 20. It was a bright, sunny day and there had been a frost during the night and this produced some interesting effects on the remaining leaves down in the meadow. The following Saturday was...

Speaking of Nature: Spotting the bird with the ‘X-factor’: The absolute worst time to be without a camera
12-03-2024 10:33 AM


It was the morning of Thanksgiving Day and I was up early. Guests were still asleep and I was done with the morning chores. A pot of fresh coffee had been brewed, a fire was crackling happily in the wood stove (front doors open so the fire was...

Speaking of Nature: A feast for the little guys: Planning a menu for the birds in your life
11-26-2024 11:03 AM


Thanksgiving is here and I couldn’t be happier. 2024 has been an “interesting” year and I, for one, just need a break. Even the hustle and bustle of the holiday (the shopping, cooking, traveling, or hosting) can be a delightful distraction from the...

Speaking of Nature: A featherweight sparring match: The blue jay and sharp-shinned hawk are evenly matched in speed and maneuverability
11-19-2024 2:40 PM


It was Veteran’s Day and I was sitting at my kitchen window. I had a delicious mug of freshly brewed coffee, a comfortable seat to sit in and freshly washed windows to look through. The feeders had been stocked and I was all ready for a session of...

Speaking of Nature: Until we meet again — The eastern chipmunk descends underground until spring
11-04-2024 10:10 AM


For a good chunk of the summer I was able to monitor the activity of one particular visitor to the feeding station down by my Thinking Chair a little more closely than most of the others. Simple behavioral observations allowed me to hypothesize the...

Speaking of Nature: Dam it: The risks and perils that beavers face in the winter
10-22-2024 1:38 PM


The American beaver (Castor canadensis) is one of those mammals that everyone has heard of. A humongous rodent capable of cutting down trees and damming up streams, the furry brown creature has been represented by plush toys and has long been a...

Speaking of Nature: An exceptional evening extravaganza: An entire yellow-rumped warbler flock threw a party on my deck
10-15-2024 1:47 PM


I realize that I wrote a column on the yellow-rumped warbler just last week, but I had an encounter with this species that was as wonderful as it was unexpected. I very rarely feature a particular species in consecutive columns, but this was an...

Speaking of Nature: A record-breaking month of bird-watching: One good thing to come from catching COVID was extra time at the Thinking Chair
10-08-2024 2:20 PM


The month of September was one of the most beautiful stretches of solid gorgeous weather that I can remember. There was very little rain last month and whatever rain there was seemed to fall on weekdays. As a result, there was ample time to get out...

Speaking of Nature: Still going strong after summer: Common chicory a hot spot for pollen and nectar-seekers
10-01-2024 2:41 PM


One of the hazards of working in a school is the annual reunion of large numbers of people in small, confined spaces. The students get antsy and the adults get antsy, but this is just a temporary annoyance. The bigger problem is the confinement of...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 53 total.

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