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Displaying articles 21 to 40 out of 782 total.

Rachael Naismith: Biden best choice for president
01-10-2024 5:50 PM

I read with interest the recent article by Annie Karni and Steve Eder in which they quoted Speaker Mike Johnson saying in 2015 that Donald Trump was unfit and dangerous for the office of president. It’s about time that Democrats started talking about...

Sophy Burnham: More exposure needed on Medicare Advantage
01-10-2024 5:50 PM

Thank you for the Jan. 2 guest column "Medicare Advantage, and disadvantages," and the front page article about the activists fighting abuses by this private insurance. I switched to Medicare Advantage a year ago, thinking how nice to get dental and...

David Glassberg: Climate action doesn’t have to be ‘all or nothing’
01-09-2024 3:31 PM

As somewhat of a climate activist, I see that a letter to the editor about the challenges of taking Amtrak to New York City published on Jan. 1, a response to that letter published on Jan. 5, and an article about heat pumps published on Jan. 3 share...

Lori Goldner: Be mindful of vehicle idling
01-09-2024 3:31 PM

As the winter gets colder, the Amherst Energy and Climate Action Committee would like to encourage all drivers to remain mindful of their vehicle idling habits. While protection from the cold is important, idling a car for longer than five minutes is...

Nick Fleisher: Sensible regs lower gun mortality rates
01-08-2024 5:05 PM

A recent letter pined for a time in the past when people could carry their shotguns and .22s in the back of their cars and enjoy their hunting pastime [“A different time with guns,” Gazette, Dec. 13]. No one shot each other and society was...

Pelham Democratic Town Committee: The urgency of pension reform
01-08-2024 5:05 PM

The recent inflation spiral has made us more aware of public policies that in normal times pass unnoticed. State policies, particularly retirement programs, loom particularly large in Massachusetts because we are one of only seven states that do not...

Bennett Hazlip: Donated trees a boost for Amherst 
01-08-2024 5:05 PM

If you bought a Christmas tree last year, you know that the price of a tree has risen significantly. Rising prices aren’t limited to Christmas trees, either — the price of trees from nurseries has been steadily rising for years.For municipal tree...

Guest columnist Amy Leos-Urbel: Jewish Americans have a right to be safe
01-08-2024 5:03 PM


To the people of western Massachusetts and our leaders, please remember, like all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs, Jewish Americans have a right to be safe and secure in their homes, communities, schools, businesses, and houses of...

Louise Antony: Israel response to Hamas attack not justified
01-07-2024 4:00 PM

We must respond to two points in Jonathan Kahane’s recent guest column [“Haunted by questions with no good answers,” Gazette, Dec. 29]. First of all, it is a grave mistake to view the recent actions of Hamas as motivated by anti-Semitism; they were,...

Christopher G. Hoogendyk: Heat Pumps not that expensive
01-07-2024 4:00 PM

I was disappointed in the Jan. 4 article in the Gazette regarding the slow adoption of heat pumps [“Public slow to warm to heat pumps’]. In particular, the quote from a Brookline resident saying he'd heard price quotes from $57,000 to $97,000, with no...

Elaine Fronhofer: Medicare Advantage policies put profits over people’s care
01-07-2024 12:08 PM

Al Norman’s Jan. 2 guest column “Medicare Advantage, and disadvantages” focused on an issue that other local activists, including Valley Action and allied Indivisible groups in New York, have been hard at work on for nearly a year. Thanks to his...

Cathy McNally: Column riddled with unexamined questions
01-05-2024 3:00 PM

In his Dec. 29 guest column, “Haunted by questions with no good answers,” Jonathan Kahane presents himself as an “asker of questions,” but I wonder if he’s really looking for answers or simply comforting himself with his justification for the...

Miriam and Michael Kurland: Congress must fully fund WIC
01-05-2024 3:00 PM

If Congress fails to fully fund WIC, the supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children, by Jan. 19, states will need to reduce WIC participation by about 2 million young children and pregnant and postpartum adults nationwide by...

Robert Boulrice: The great experiment in peril
01-05-2024 1:48 PM

The expiration date. That’s what concerned us on the morning of day one of the new year. News arrived that a friend got COVID and we had a brunch to go to, so testing seemed sensible. Except all our unused tests had expired.Lots of talk about...

Rick McNeil: American society evolving as more kind and just
01-05-2024 1:48 PM

I read the recent guest column “Trump’s new American revolution of 2024” [Gazette, Dec. 30] with keen interest. Although I too find it troubling that Mr. Trump is ahead in the polls, I believe the race is far from over.Furthermore, the writer’s...

Guest columnist Maria José Botelho: 
01-04-2024 7:00 PM


I’m grateful to find out that there’s another faithful reader (and writer) of obituaries in our community [“There’s just a lot of life in the obits” by Marietta Pritchard, Gazette, Jan. 3].I have been reading obituaries since I could read in English...

Joseph A. Twarog: Holiday lights a hit
01-04-2024 5:21 PM

Kudos to Florence and all responsible for terrific Christmas/holiday lights! Every year they have been outstanding with local businesses participating. Great job!Joseph A. TwarogFlorence

Henry W. Rosenberg: Train travel emissions trivial compared to driving
01-04-2024 5:21 PM

In a Jan. 1 letter published in the Gazette (“Train travel not so great”), the writer complains of the cost in time and money of train travel compared to driving in his own car. He does not mention that a round trip from his home in Sunderland to New...

Bruce Hawkins: Protests ask U.S. to bring Israel ‘to senses’
01-03-2024 4:23 PM

There are no protests against sending arms to Hamas because the United States is not sending arms to Hamas. Hamas calculated the viciousness of its attack to draw Israel into a trap of seeking the impossible goal of destroying Hamas and losing all...

Lesley Schneider: Officer’s story uplifting 
01-03-2024 4:23 PM

I felt so uplifted reading about the police officer who fought to overcome her circumstances and remake her world [“Emerging from darkness,” Gazette, Dec. 30]. I would love to see a weekly article dedicated to uplifting stories like this one. It is so...

Displaying articles 21 to 40 out of 782 total.

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