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A fearless literary leader: Massachusetts Review Executive Editor Jim Hicks steps down after a profound 15 years
07-26-2024 3:44 PM


Outgoing executive editor Jim Hicks of the Massachusetts Review has yet to warm up to his new surroundings.400 Venture Way looks like one of those ultra-tech monoliths that have “Solutions” as part of its name. Surrounded by a sea of blacktop and...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

Easthampton author holding book launch party at Berkshire East in Charlemont
01-24-2025 11:20 AM


CHARLEMONT — Easthampton author Megan Tady invites the community to a literary après-ski party at Berkshire East Mountain Resort on Saturday, Jan. 25, to celebrate the launch of her second novel, “Bluebird Day.”

A dream fulfilled: Aaron Lansky, whose Yiddish Book Center helped reclaim a culture, stepping aside
03-10-2024 11:46 AM


AMHERST — Aaron Lansky, founder and president of the Yiddish Book Center, began his 2004 memoir about his work, “Outwitting History,” with a memorable anecdote: how he’d taken a dead-of-night train from the Valley to Manhattan in 1980 and, with the...

Photobook showcasing Indigenous history subject of Sunderland Public Library talk
11-20-2023 12:05 PM


SUNDERLAND — Residents are invited to the Sunderland Public Library on Tuesday for a presentation and discussion about a locally produced photobook.The library is hosting photographer Sandra Matthews and Nolumbeka Project President David Brule to talk...

An exhibit to kvell over: Expansive new Amherst exhibit looks at the global impact of Yiddish
10-27-2023 8:13 AM


About five to six years ago, staff at the Yiddish Book Center began considering an expansive exhibit on Yiddish culture that would open in 2020 to mark the book center’s 40th anniversary.The pandemic and a few other things prevented that from taking...

A big cup of co-op: After 30 years, Dean’s Beans in Orange to become worker-owned
05-17-2023 9:24 AM


ORANGE — Change is brewing at Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Co., which is set to become a worker-owned cooperative on July 1.Dean Cycon founded the business in 1993 and, having recently turned 70, is ready to hand the reins to his 16 employees.“Who...

Two roads converge: Academic and musician Florence Dore mines connections between her passions
03-18-2023 8:45 AM


Who says you can’t merge a Ph.D. and rock and roll?    As Florence Dore explains, she spent a long time traveling on seemingly disparate tracks. On one hand she was the professor who’d devoted years to studying American literature and teaching...

Surprising roots: Retired ARHS teacher David Brule makes a startling discovery as he digs into his family history
08-31-2016 3:36 PM

By RICHIE DAVISThe family portrait looks quite unremarkable.The formal 1900-era photograph shows Judah W. Smith, with a large handlebar mustache and neat goatee, along with his somewhat stern-looking wife, Elizabeth, and their five sons dressed in bow...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

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