A Look Back, Aug. 31

Published: 08-30-2024 11:00 PM |
■David Judd, being appointed agent for the Hartford Marble Yard, respectfully informs the citizens of Northampton and its vicinity that he will furnish stones of the different sizes and qualities on short notice. A specimen of the stone and workmanship may be seen by calling on Judd.
■The remains of the toll bridge near Clark’s ferry (so called) will be sold at auction on Wednesday, the 1st day of September next, at two o’clock P.M. on the bank of the river near the same. Most of the timber may be useful for building and for cooper stuff.
A reasonable credit on good security will be given, if desired. It will be sold in lots to suit purchasers.
■The Calvin Theatre will have its grand opening for the fall and winter season tomorrow, with a full orchestra and organ accompaniment. A particularly good bill of pictures has been booked for the week.
■Through the intervention of the S.P.C.C. office in Northampton, the public exhibition of dancing of 9-year-old Miss Lillian Kalafut of Westfield at Southampton community dance last night was prohibited. Her management was forbidden to present her again in Massachusetts on the ground that public exhibitions and stage dancing is prohibited for children under 15 years of age.
■K. Dennis Winslow, Jr., a Worcester native, begins duties at St. John’s Episcopal Church Sunday, when he will preach at the 10 a.m. service. A graduate of Nashotah House Seminary in Wisconsin, he served as Bement Center Camp chaplain this summer.
■Sections of a new abortion law passed overwhelmingly by the Massachusetts legislature appear to be “highly unconstitutional,” according to a spokesman for the Family Planning Council of Western Massachusetts and the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts. The law, which goes into effect Oct. 30, was passed over the veto of Gov. Francis Sargent.
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