In tour of Riverside Industries in Easthampton, US Rep. Neal highlights the damage of potential Medicaid cuts

03-19-2025 9:11 AM

EASTHAMPTON — It’s not always easy to put faces and names to the impact that congressional budgets have on a particular populace. By visiting Riverside Industries in Easthampton on Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Richard Neal tried to do just that.

Smith College heads to Final Four to face familiar foe University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

03-19-2025 9:45 AM

For the third consecutive season, the Smith College women’s basketball team is headed to the NCAA Division III Final Four. The Pioneers held their send off outside of Ainsworth Gymnasium on Tuesday afternoon, as they walked through a crowd of supporters and onto their team bus, which headed to the airport where they took off for Virginia.


Former Smith College hoop stars turned coaches help team in quest for first national title
03-18-2025 1:20 PM

NORTHAMPTON — Ally Yamada and Sofia Rosa sat on the floor of Ainsworth Gymnasium behind the group of 16 Smith College women’s basketball players as Pioneers assistant coach Jen MacAulay broke down film on Smith’s NCAA Division III Final Four opponent, Wisconsin-Oshkosh, on Monday afternoon.


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The Roost set to close in Northampton after 14 years
03-14-2025 12:49 PM

NORTHAMPTON — The Roost, a coffee shop located at the corner of Main and Market streets, announced on social media that it will be closing down permanently, although hinted at a potential new business may be reborn from the closure.


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Speaking of Nature: The bluebird of happiness: Finding solace in the birds at my feeders
03-18-2025 12:35 PM

As I write this column I am feeling quite under the weather. The flu has come to town and it has me in its grip. I haven’t left the house in days and all I want to do is sleep. That being said, I am also stuck on “teacher time” and I can’t seem to sleep past 5 a.m. With the recent changing of the clocks this puts me in the unhappy position of being awake while it is still dark outside; annoying on a work day, positively miserable when not going to work.


Obit photo for Margo McMahon Margo McMahon

Amherst , MA - Margo Elizabeth McMahon Born October 18, 1951, in Miami, Florida. Died December 16, 2020. Margo, the daughter of the late Patrick and Ruth McMahon, is survived by a sister, Kimball Arnold and a brother, Brien D McMahon,... remainder of obit for Margo McMahon

Obit photo for MaryJane Miller MaryJane Miller

Chesterfield, MA - MaryJane (Curtis) Miller, born 02/12/1935, passed away peacefully, with family by her side, on 3/11/2025 at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield. The oldest of 5 children born to Forrest and Anna (Betty) Curtis, she g... remainder of obit for MaryJane Miller

Obit photo for Louis J. Luchini Jr. Louis J. Luchini Jr.

Holyoke, MA - Louis J. Luchini Jr., 78, of Holyoke passed away peacefully on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at Agawam South Rehabilitation Center in Agawam. Louis was born in Northampton on October 6, 1946, the son of the late Louis and Helen... remainder of obit for Louis J. Luchini Jr.

Obit photo for Richard Eaton Richard Eaton

South Deerfield, MA - Richard Eaton, 71, of South Deerfield, passed away peacefully at Baystate Springfield on March 12, 2025, after a period of failing health, surrounded by his loving family. Born on December 31, 1953, Richard grew up... remainder of obit for Richard Eaton


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