Jenny Fleming-Ives: Dark Sky celebration a hit
Published: 05-03-2023 7:39 PM |
Under the starlit sky of Friday April 21, a group of more than 30 people gathered on the lawn of Historic Northampton to observe International Dark Sky Week, April 15-22 .
Following a time of silence for all to grow accustomed to the sights and sounds of nature at night, Northampton Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra’s official proclamation recognizing Dark Sky week in the city was read aloud .Thus Northampton joined hundreds of communities in the United States and around the world celebrating the beauty of the night and the importance of protecting it’s benefits for humans and the natural world.
This first-ever Northampton Night Fest was offered by Northampton City Lights, a volunteer citizen organization focused on controlling light pollution in the city. Teaming up with Historic Northampton made for a great match and we wish to thank them for their encouragement and the use of their beautiful grounds. We are also pleased and grateful for the mayor and City Council’s support for this event.
The night could not have been more perfect — the stars were indeed aligned — and James Lowenthal, coordinator of Northampton City Lights, awakened interest and awe in all those present with his guided “tour” of the starry skies and the telescopes he provided for stargazing.
As the event drew to a close, one participant remarked that they had never seen “the stars glisten and gleam in the tranquil darkness like they did on Friday night.”
Jenny Fleming-Ives, Janet Gross, MylaKabat-Zinn, James Lowenthal, Helen Wise
Northampton City Lights members
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